Dining Done Right

Delicious choices await



Virginia Woolf once wrote, “One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.” At The Legacy at North Augusta, we agree! That’s why our culinary services team works every day to offer a dining experience that mirrors the warm, welcome experience of our community at large. Whether you are meeting up with old friends for a vivacious breakfast, grabbing a quick lunch on the go, or sitting down for an intimate dinner, our restaurant-style dining option has a continually evolving array of food that pleases the taste buds and inspires friends to linger over drinks or dessert.

Our dietician-supervised menu includes daily specials that reflect the imagination of our executive chef who offers up delightful dishes in seasonal menus, ensuring freshness and maximum nutritional value.

Click here for a sample menu.

Allow us to serve you a meal and come see our dining room for yourself. Call us at 540-712-3362 to schedule a visit. We look forward to breaking bread with you!