Extended care
to get you back
on your feet

Therapy services



There may come a time when you need rehabilitation services, either following a hospital stay or after an injury or illness. The Legacy at North Augusta’s community partners provide in-home rehabilitation to support you on the path to recovery, helping you regain mobility, speech, balance and the skills necessary to maintain the highest level of independence. Read more about our in-home therapy services:

Physical therapy

Gets you stronger, walking better, and increases your balance.

Physical therapy services include support for recovery from:

  • Joint replacement or repairs
  • Stroke recovery
  • Heart problems
  • Sepsis
  • Pulmonary recovery

Occupational therapy

Helps you manage daily activities more easily, including: dressing, bathing, cooking and cleaning.

Occupational therapy may be needed if you have trouble:

  • Taking a shower or bath
  • Getting on and off the toilet
  • Cooking and cleaning
  • Dressing and undressing

Speech and language

If you have had a stroke in the past and continue to have trouble speaking or eating what you want.

Speech and language therapy may be needed if you:

  • Speak slowly
  • Experience difficulty finding the words you want to say
  • Have trouble swallowing food (including coughing after you drink)

For more information call 540-712-3362 or schedule a visit.